Speaking at Agile + DevOps West 2020 Conference
I have recently accepted a speaking position at Agile + DevOps West 2020. I will be headed to Las Vegas in June 2020 to speak on "The Life of a Mob Programmer". I will be sharing my thoughts and experiences as a full-time Mob Programmer at Hunter Industries for the past four years.
I am excited to share our development practices with everyone. How mob programming started. The benefits that I have experienced because of it. And why I enjoy mobbing every day.
I do not need or want to convince people mob programming is what they need to do, but rather I do want to encourage people to innovate. Encourage people to try new things and break from a standard 'Agile' development practice.
I encourage you to come to the Agile + DevOps West 2020 conference and you will find me speaking about Mob Programming June 11th!